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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Blog Launch


I have decided to start a blog as a way of continuing to alert the public on my efforts to Prevent & Detect FRAUD, WASTE, ABUSE, & MISMANAGEMENT. I ask that you continue to support my efforts by visiting often and holding our elected officials and their appointees accountable.


  1. C R I M E S P R E E Alive and Well in Forsyth County!!!

    PROOF: Click on link below; see actual video

    Ms. Henley's presentation of The Henley Report to the Winston-Salem City Council February 21, 2011.

    Ms. Henley is to be commended for her efforts and stance on integrity and truthfulness. She has been divinely appointed for such a time as this. Ms. Henley is the needed spokes person for the voiceless, vulnerable and innocent victims here in North Carolina. She has taken a stance and is currently standing against governmental fraud, extortion, and the alleged elected criminals who are at present taking advantage of their positions. The Henley Report was/is TIMELY. This report represents in-the-face transparency, quality, excellence, and military bravery in exposing governmental corruption which is, has and forever will dominate our city, county and state government; Unless WE THE PEOPLE demand justice and hold all tainted and guilty officials accountable. Think! If you were alleged of having committed these well publicized crimes against society, would they have given you a free pass? Wake Up People! Keeping silence is like giving card "Blanch" to a shopaholic. Ignoring or enabling this crime spree encourages continued corruption and the excessive preoccupied perception of self; serving only to further exacerbate the non-existent perception of being a Teflon demigod, with a fictitious narcissistic attitude at the expense of the taxpayers. Why would they expose and fight against themselves, report their own criminal behavior or expose themselves for who the "true" are?

    Why hasn't anything or anyone been brought to justice? There should be an outcry by all taxpayers. After all, Forsyth County Democratic Chair Susan Campbell in the Yes Weekly Newspaper characterizes the activities of the PAC (Forsyth Leadership Committee) as "taking advantage of people who don't understand the primary process". Is it possible the PAC is taking advantage of felons by paying them to pass out ILLEGAL FLYERS at the polls with an offer to assist and provide them with some necessities in life? This so-called pay-to-play scheme "flyer" is alleged to benefit the "CHOSEN", whose names have been strategically listed on the flyers along with the offices they are running for. I consider these actions to be a Breach of Trust against the people of North Carolina. This is a cruel, demeaning, discriminatory, illegal and misuse of authority with a serious violation of betrayal against the very individuals who are in need of support. Instead, malicious rumors of unethical practices by those in office are beginning dominate and over shadow early voting. News articles are beginning to circulate throughout the communities of various leaders and candidates being accused of negative influences, exploitation and taking advantage of the less fortunate who risk being abused in order to buy a sandwich or provide a meal for their family. Honestly, is this what we want? If it is being done while/before they are elected, what do you think will happen if we vote them back into office of fail to cry aloud? Do you know the definition for endurance, tyrant, suffer and regret? Don't take a stance and the aforementioned will become household words for which you will be well equipped.

  2. The presentation of the Henley Report:

    If clicking on this link doesn't work try cut and paste. Thank you:
